Administrative Procedures
Web Governance Procedure
Procedure Number: 4.19-P
Current Effective Date: 05/02/2022
Original Effective Date: 05/02/2022
Revision Dates: 0
Revision Number: 0
Revision Summary: implementation of new procedure
Responsible Official: Chancellor
References: Administrative Policy 4.19
1. Purpose
The purpose of Web Services within KCTCS is to extend the System's ability to create and maintain relationships with our constituents; to provide structures for enhancing communications with and service to those constituents; to provide standards and best practice recommendations for those communications and services; and to assist the System in accomplishing its strategic goals and vision through accuracy, innovation, timeliness, responsiveness, and quality.
2. Scope
This procedure applies to the structure of people, positions, authorities, roles, responsibilities, relationships, and rules involved in managing an institution’s website. Areas covered by governance include oversight and advisory responsibilities, ADA/Section 508 guidelines, analytics, operations, search/SEO, and user experience/usability.
3. Committees & Groups
3.1 Web Governance Committee
The KCTCS Web Governance Committee, comprised of system office and college representation assigned by the KCTCS cabinet and the college presidents, is charged with providing oversight and strategic direction regarding web governance protocols and guidelines for all KCTCS web properties and reviewing and presenting all proposed system-wide changes to the Web Services Peer Team.
Role | Voting | Informed | Term |
System Director of Marketing, KCTCS |
X | No limit | |
System Director of Digital Strategy/CMS Administrator, KCTCS (ex officio) | X | No limit | |
Digital Content Manager, KCTCS (ex officio) | X | No limit | |
Digital Marketing Manager, KCTCS (ex officio) | X | No limit | |
Web Developer, KCTCS (ex officio) | X | No limit | |
Web Developer, KCTCS (ex officio) | X | No limit | |
Technology Solutions Representative, KCTCS | X | No limit | |
Technology Solutions Intranet Services, KCTCS | X | No limit | |
Assigned Attorney, KCTCS General Counsel | X | No limit | |
Minimum of Four (4) and no more than Six (6) College Web Leads1 | X | 2 years | |
One (1) College Technology Solutions Lead | X | 2 years |
3.1.1 Web Governance Advisory Committee Charge
- Establish clear written policies and procedures that set high standards for site quality
and content integrity.
- Review recommendations from system-wide stakeholders for customized designs or exceptions
to established branding, content, development, and design policies.
- Evaluate effectiveness of current web technologies, editorial components, and implementation
of business processes.
- Approve global changes to structure, branding, look/feel, navigation and styling.
- Ensure compliance with all legal and regulatory standards, including accessibility
and security.
- Review website analytics and metrics to make recommendations on how to improve the
overall structure and design of the website.
- Recommend additional page design layouts or changes to existing designs.
- Resolve non-compliance issues.
- Decide when the use of website development contractors is necessary, request proposals,
and approve use of contractors.
- Meet at minimum six (6) times per year to review policies and consider new requests.
3.1.2 Voting Guidelines
- Active and ex-officio members are voting authorities.
- All proposed changes are first brought to the Web Services Peer Team and then run
through this group for final evaluation, voting, and plans for 1) further testing
and analysis (if needed) and 2) execution.
- If unable to attend, active voting members must send a qualified proxy in their place.
-Web Governance Advisory Committee holds the authority to delay a vote if qualified
voting members are unable to attend a voting session.
- Advanced notice (minimum of one day) will be given before the meeting if voting will be on the agenda.
3.2 Web Services Peer Team
The Web Services Peer Team (WSPT) is a standing body whose membership is determined by KCTCS college presidents.
3.2.1 WSPT Roles & Responsibilities
Role |
Responsibilities | Team Member(s) |
Cabinet Liaison |
Supports the team as a sponsor and advisor; attends all team meetings.
System Director of Marketing |
Peer Team Lead | Coordinates with functional areas and oversees the strategic direction of the peer team. Works closely with the Peer Team Chair/Co-Chair and Cabinet liaison. | System Director of Digital Strategy |
Peer Team Chair/Co-Chair | Coordinates with colleagues and peer team members to develop and facilitate the meetings. Coordinates meetings, manages logistics, and provides administrative support. Coordinates meetings, manages logistics, and provides administrative support. | College Web Rep |
College Web Leads |
Works with colleagues to ensure the team’s objectives are accomplished.
One per college |
3.2.2 Team Purpose
To drive the continual improvement of KCTCS Web Services, to support the development of best practices and standards regarding Web Services, and to serve as a resource and enforcement recommendation body for those standards and practices.
3.2.3 Team Objectives
- To develop best practices for all KCTCS Web Services.
- To increase enrollment and retention through the promotion of more responsive services
and improved customer service.
- To provide effective, efficient communication among colleges and KCTCS system office
and students.
- To recommend system-wide web services policies, including compliance with the KCTCS
marketing plan.
- To collaborate with other peer teams to ensure coordinated and seamless service.
- To oversee compliance of all KCTCS Web Services with all legal obligations including
ADA compliancy, copyright issues, Clery Act, and potential changes in the US regarding
- To provide review and recommend enforcement of issues regarding non-compliance with
standards and best practices.
- To provide Web Services support to all colleges through shared experiences, open dialogue, and active collaboration.
3.2.4 Team Goal & Relationship to Mission
- Promote Excellence in Teaching and Learning: Improve the quality and quantity of Web
Services offered to KCTCS constituents through best practices and adherence to high
standards. Increase the methods and ease of use of communications for faculty and
- Increase Student Access and Success: Provide more and better Web Services for students,
improve customer service, and help increase enrollment and retention with personalized
- Expand Diversity and Global Awareness: Reflect KCTCS priorities in all web properties,
promote tools that allow more effective communication with underserved or distant
constituencies, and explore options for long-distance collaboration through Web Services.
- Enhance the Economic Development of Communities and the Commonwealth: Support CED
initiatives for online course registration and marketing, promote web visibility of
economic development initiatives, and explore web-based technologies for training
and communications.
- Improve the quality of life and employability of the citizens of the Commonwealth through supporting the System’s strategic goals.
3.2.5 Web Services Peer Team Voting Guidelines
- Only full-time, level-8 administrators from a college will have a tabulated vote.
- More than one representative from each college can attend meetings, but only one (1)
vote is allowed per college.
- System Office will be allowed one (1) vote.
- If unable to attend, active voting members must send a proxy in their place.
- Advanced notice (minimum of one day) will be given before the meeting if voting will
be on the agenda.
- Tabulated votes will be taken to the Web Governance Advisory Committee for a final decision.
3.2.6 Web Services Peer Team Success Indicators
- Administrators, students, faculty, and staff are informed of Web Services and find
them useful.
- KCTCS students and other audiences report positive experience with KCTCS Web Services.
- All KCTCS Web Services are accessible for persons with disabilities, are aggressively
working toward that goal, or are engaged in a review and enforcement process.
- KCTCS college and System Office web properties become more consistent, more customer-friendly,
and more useful.
- Web Services best standards are developed, implemented, and enforced.
- KCTCS college and System Office web properties reflect system and college marketing
principles and support marketing goals.
- Measurable metrics (surveys, analytics, user-testing, heat maps, etc.) are used to make informed decisions.
3.3 Technology Solutions
The System Office Technology Solutions team supports and maintains web infrastructure and provides key services for our employees and students to centralize content specific to faculty, staff, and current students. Core functions include:
- Systems Administration/Security
- Subdomains
- Third Level Subdomains
- Secure Socket Lay (SSL) Certifications and Configuration
- Back-ups and Fail-overs
- Redirects
- Secure Online Forms
- KCTCS Intranet
- Intranet communication sites
- Team collaboration sites
- Internal news and communication services
4. College, Department, & Office-Level Responsibilities
4.1 Roles & Level of Access
Our content management system, which manages our public web properties, allows for multiple levels of access, groups and workflows. A full matrix of these roles, responsibilities, and access levels is referenced in appendix A. All roles and responsibilities must be defined prior to the implementation of any new web property or site section. The following roles have been established:
- The System Office Web Team holds administrative access (level 10) to all web properties across the system. The
Web Team is responsible for overseeing all web properties and providing strategic
and technical guidance to all college web representatives. Other responsibilities
- Managing site-level permissions, groups, and workflows for all web properties.
- Managing college-level permissions, group and workflow for quality assurance.
- Setting up restrictions based on access and governance.
- Serving as a college back-up/fail-safe resource.
- Completing updates that involve the whole system.
- Informing all necessary parties of any changes before publishing.
- Completing web requests as needed for the System Office and the Colleges.
- The College Web Leads (one per college) holds administrative access (level 8) to just their college site
and any adjacent entities under their purview. The College Web Representatives is
responsible for managing all web pages under their site and overseeing/providing technical
guidance to all department level content managers. Other responsibilities include:
- Overseeing college-level permissions, groups, and workflows for all sections within their college site.
- Consulting with System Office Web Team for changes not under their control or for updates that require knowledge of the content management system back-end.
- Defining department content managers and area content contributors and keeping an updated list to share every with the System Office Web Team.
- Reviewing and publishing all changes submitted by department content managers based on established workflow.
- Serving as the ADA liaison for their college and ensuring all content moved through the publish workflow is ADA compliant.
- Making sure any necessary out-of-office arrangements are made with System Office.
- Passing along all key communication (guidelines, changes, etc.) from System Office
to department content managers.
- The Department Content Manager (one per department) holds access (level 5) to one or more specific sections of a
college site. Sections allowed are defined by groups and workflows are attached to
each group. Department Content Managers must be assigned by their leadership and properly
trained by their College Web Lead. Other responsibilities include:
- Consulting with their Web lead for changes not under their control or for updates that require knowledge of the content management system back-end.
- Serving as the ADA liaison for the department by advocating for proper document creation and page preparation.
- Submitting all changes for review/publishing to the College Web Lead.
- Making sure any necessary out-of-office arrangements are made with their College Web
- The Office/Area Content Contributor (one per area) holds access (level 0) to one or more specific sections on an as needed basis to review content in collaboration with their department content manager. This role will not be able to edit pages, but they will be responsible for content quality and creation.
5. Initial Training Requirements/Qualifications
5.1 Requirements for Access to Content Management System (CMS)
- Must attend all training sessions dependent on levels of access
- Must successfully pass all certification tests to receive appropriate access level
5.2 Requirements by Level
5.2.1 Level 0
- Writing for the web training
- Basic image training
- Basic ADA training (general understanding of what ADA is)
5.2.2 Level 5
All skills of level 0 PLUS
Basic CMS training
ADA document creation and remediation training
Once training is complete, box will be checked to allow level 5 to upload documents
5.2.3 Level 8
- All skills of level 5 PLUS
- HTML knowledge – with assessment
- Advanced CMS training
- Snippets
- Assets
- Emergency Alerts
- News feeds
- Blogs
- Basic site maintenance
- Training on all web approved tools for website maintenance
- Additional Requirement: Member and Active participant in the Web Services Peer Team
5.2.4 Level 10
- All skills of Level 8 PLUS
- More advanced CMS training
- HTML certification
- Organizational Communication training
- Additional Requirement: Member of System Office Digital Team
5.3 Annual Review
Engagement Assessment: If user is not updating pages, or is inactive within the CMS for one year, that user will be deleted until they are retrained and retested.
6. Non-HTML Content Guidelines
To ensure the best possible accessibility of the content on KCTCS websites, content will be presented in a digital format, including using webforms and html content in place of pdf forms, excel documents, and other document types.
For forms requesting sensitive information and/or information that can lead back to a specific individual, a secure webform platform will be used to collect, store, and access form submissions. Identifying and sensitive information includes, but is not limited to, Social Security Number, Student or Employee ID numbers, full birthdate, full name with email address or home address.
Content previously included in pdf or word documents must be repurposed and recreated in html, while maintaining other web standards set forth by KCTCS, including branding and tone of voice. These applies to all documents that are not required to be made available openly and in a pdf format for legal requirements set forth by state or federal agencies or organizations. For example, Meeting Minutes, Agendas, and other documentation from the Board of Regents at both the college and system level will be created as html pages moving forward, and all documents legally required to be publicly available (the last three years) will be converted as soon as possible. A statement directing users to the Request for Records (or equivalent process) will be provided for older documents that are no longer publicly available.