Administrative Procedures
Temporary Remote Work Procedure
Procedure Number: 2.20-P
Current Effective Date: 06/30/2020
Original Effective Date: 06/30/2020
Revision Dates: 0
Revision Number: 0
Revision Summary: creation of new procedure
Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services
References: Administrative Policy 2.20
1. Purpose
This Procedure implements KCTCS Administrative Policy 2.20 Temporary Remote Work Policy.
2. Scope
This Procedure applies to all KCTCS employees and all KCTCS locations.
3. Procedure
- Generally
- When the KCTCS President and the respective College Presidents determine an emergency
exists, KCTCS employees may be directed or permitted to work remotely. Declaration
of emergency situations is within the sole discretion of the KCTCS President and/or
the College President.
- The typical Temporary Remote Work location will be employees’ homes. However, KCTCS
may direct or permit alternative locations for individuals based on the circumstances
and the nature of work employees must conduct. Supervisors will work with their direct
reports to accommodate locations, but the best interests of KCTCS, the Colleges, students,
employees, and our communities will dictate location.
- Emergency remote work locations are in place only as long as the KCTCS President and/or
College Presidents determine such arrangements are necessary to continue operations
during an emergency. Once the emergency no longer exists, employees are expected
to return to their normal work locations or to another location as directed by their
- If the Temporary Remote Work arrangement is not effective or no longer feasible, the
supervisor and/or KCTCS may terminate remote work at any time. KCTCS shall make all
attempts to provide reasonable notice of employees’ need to return to normal operating
locations, but employees may not unduly delay or otherwise refuse to return once the
emergency has ceased or subsided. Employees who refuse to return, or who do not
return in a timely manner, may be terminated.
- In cases where the emergency directly impacts an employee personally, other KCTCS
policies and procedures regarding leave or other benefits may apply.
- In cases where the emergency directly impacts an employee personally, other KCTCS
policies and procedures regarding leave or other benefits may apply.
- When the KCTCS President and the respective College Presidents determine an emergency
exists, KCTCS employees may be directed or permitted to work remotely. Declaration
of emergency situations is within the sole discretion of the KCTCS President and/or
the College President.
- Designating On-site Personnel
- As a condition of employment or continued employment, administration may identify
certain positions which are required to work on site during emergency situations and
perform duties to assist the institution in carrying out safety or basic business
- The KCTCS President and/or respective College Presidents shall determine which positions
are necessary to remain on-site for continued operations regardless of whether those
specific terms are in the employee’s job descriptions
- As a condition of employment or continued employment, administration may identify
certain positions which are required to work on site during emergency situations and
perform duties to assist the institution in carrying out safety or basic business
- Employee Responsibilities During Remote Work
- Employees remain subject to all applicable KCTCS policies and procedures during remote
work assignments unless specifically exempted by a directive of the KCTCS President
and/or College President. Failure to follow policy and procedure or to meet work responsibilities
may result in disciplinary action, including warnings, counseling, negative performance
evaluations, and/or measures up to and including termination of employment.
- Employees must strictly comply with the work hours and work arrangements agreed upon
with their supervisors. Employees on emergency remote work assignments should work
the hours and complete the tasks assigned to them by their supervisors.
- When work is expected to be performed employees must remain in communication with
their supervisors and co-workers while working remotely. Communication should occur
in the manner directed by the supervisor and using the technology available, such
as: laptop or desktop computers, mobile phones, emails, messaging applications, or
video conferencing. Employees must maintain reasonable response times, the same as
if they were working at their regular on-site work location.
- When employees are directed to work remotely, supervisors have an increased responsibility
to ensure employees remain productive. This responsibility includes assessing remote
work circumstances and remaining aware of stresses that emergency situations and remote
work may place on employees’ mental, emotional, and physical health.
- If circumstances permit in-person work meetings, employees on Remote Work arrangements
are expected to be available to attend as requested or required by the unit. Additionally,
supervisors may require employees to perform tasks on site such as checking the mail,
picking up or dropping off documents, etc.
- All employees must have or gain proficiency with the technology required to complete
their jobs at remote work locations. This technology includes but is not limited
to learning platforms such as Blackboard, collaborative technologies such as Teams,
and any other resource essential to the continuity of services provided to students
and other educational partners and clients.
- All employees will be notified of their college’s Return-to-Work protocols when the
emergency conditions that prompted remote work have been resolved as determined by
the KCTCS President and/or College president. All employees must comply with Return-to-Work
protocols, including measures to protect the health and safety of people and property,
when issued by their college. Failure to comply with Return-to-Work protocols shall
be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
- Employees remain subject to all applicable KCTCS policies and procedures during remote
work assignments unless specifically exempted by a directive of the KCTCS President
and/or College President. Failure to follow policy and procedure or to meet work responsibilities
may result in disciplinary action, including warnings, counseling, negative performance
evaluations, and/or measures up to and including termination of employment.
- Temporary Remote Work Form
- The college or System may require employees to submit a temporary remote work form.
- When employees are required to complete the Temporary Remote Work Form, they should
submit the form to their supervisors and their Human Resources departments as and
when the emergency situation permits.
- Supervisors review the Form based on the emergency and the continuity plan established
by the unit and the directives of the KCTCS President and respective College Presidents.
- If the KCTCS President and respective College Presidents have determined that the
emergency does not affect all employees and staff, employees must submit the Temporary
Remote Work Form for approval. Employees’ supervisors will review the request and
submit the form and their recommendation for approval or denial to their leadership/planning
unit head for final review and approval.
- Once the request for remote work is approved or denied, the supervisor will communicate
the decision to the employee. The supervisor will also clarify expectations and determine
what support the employee will need during remote work. Regardless of the employee’s
job responsibilities, remote work functions best when employees and supervisors communicate
clearly about expectations.
- The college or System may require employees to submit a temporary remote work form.
- Scheduling
- The best interests of KCTCS, the Colleges, students, employees, and the community
stakeholders dictate the schedule employees shall work to ensure continuity of operations.
Flexibility for both the unit and the employee are key.
- Time and absence reporting shall continue in accordance with normal practices.
- If remote work arrangements are approved for non-exempt employees, such employees
shall follow all rules, regulations, policies, and procedures related to wage and
hour laws, including but not limited to taking meal breaks and rest periods. All overtime
must be pre-approved by supervisors. Employees must notify their supervisors immediately
if they are unable to take their meal or rest break in accordance with Administrative Policy 2.19.
- The best interests of KCTCS, the Colleges, students, employees, and the community
stakeholders dictate the schedule employees shall work to ensure continuity of operations.
Flexibility for both the unit and the employee are key.
- Remote Workspace Safety and Work-Related Illness and Injury
- Employees working remotely are responsible for the configuration of and all expenses
associated with establishing a temporary remote workspace and all services for remote
work unless other arrangements are approved by the supervisor. This includes responsibility
for creating and maintaining a safe and ergonomically appropriate work space.
- Any employee who suffers a job-related injury or illness during remote work hours
must report them promptly to their supervisor. Employees and supervisors are responsible
for following their unit’s processes or procedures for reporting work related illness
and injuries in accordance with Administrative Procedure 5.5.9-P.
- Employees working remotely are responsible for the configuration of and all expenses
associated with establishing a temporary remote workspace and all services for remote
work unless other arrangements are approved by the supervisor. This includes responsibility
for creating and maintaining a safe and ergonomically appropriate work space.
- Information and Equipment Security
- Employees working remotely must follow appropriate policies and procedures to ensure
the security and integrity of the information used in their work. Paper documents
taken home must be securely maintained and promptly returned to the office when possible
or according to the schedule established by the unit.
- Employees are responsible for observing computer and password security on their personal
computers and remote internet access as well as any KCTCS equipment taken to work
remotely. Please refer to the Readiness for Remote Work guidance issued by KCTCS Technology Solutions.
- Failure to return KCTCS supplies, equipment, and property may be cause for KCTCS to seek reimbursement for replacement costs or to take disciplinary or legal action.
- Employees working remotely must follow appropriate policies and procedures to ensure
the security and integrity of the information used in their work. Paper documents
taken home must be securely maintained and promptly returned to the office when possible
or according to the schedule established by the unit.