Recognition of Independent Foundations | KCTCS

Administrative Policies

Recognition of Independent Foundations

Policy Number: 7.4

Current Effective Date: 04/28/2020

Original Effective Date: 06/18/1999

Revision Dates: 09/23/2005; 04/28/2020

Revision Number: 2

Revision Summary: complete revision to comport with revised Board Policy 7.4.

Responsible Official: Vice President, Institutional Advancement

References: Board of Regents Policy 7.4; Administrative Procedure 7.4-P

1. Purpose

This administrative policy implements the KCTCS Board of Regents Policy on Recognition of Independent KCTCS Foundations for the purpose of establishing a framework to formally recognize independent 501(c)3 charitable organizations that represent the philanthropic interests of both benefactors and beneficiaries of Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) and member colleges. This policy and its implementing procedure help facilitate a consistent standard of professionalism, ethics, confidentiality, accountability, and donor expectations across the charitable organizations designated with this recognized status.

2. Scope

This policy applies to non-KCTCS entities seeking recognition by KCTCS as a duly organized, official foundation properly affiliated with KCTCS for the purposes of raising private funds and working to enhance programs and services for any institution of KCTCS.

3. Policy

  1. KCTCS Recognized Foundations are independent organizations for the purposes of fiduciary governance and to limit undue influence of the philanthropic investments entrusted by the donors of these respective foundations.

  2. KCTCS shall only recognize as duly organized, official foundations properly affiliated with KCTCS for the primary purpose of raising private funds and enhancing programs and services of any KCTCS institution, organizations that are first recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a Section 501(c)(3) organization, and which also substantially comply with the provisions of applicable KCTCS Board of Regents Policy as well as KCTCS Administrative Policy and Procedure.

  3. Recognized Foundations. Organizations recognized by KCTCS as independent foundations of KCTCS or any college thereof may have the following benefits provided by KCTCS:
    1. Access to constituent relationship management software (CRM) for recording gifts
    2. Access to CRM for gift and constituent reporting
    3. Access to constituent research and data enrichment
    4. Access to pooled endowment management
    5. Matching funds for endowment gifts (based on availability)
    6. Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) membership for fundraising staff
    7. Staff registration in Kentucky as charitable solicitors
    8. Other benefits as may from time to time be determined by the KCTCS Chief Advancement Officer primarily responsible for advancement and fundraising activities

  4. Unrecognized Organizations. Organizations or individuals not recognized by KCTCS may not use the KCTCS or college name in its name or title or imply it has the approval, endorsement, or sanction of KCTCS or any college thereof. Unrecognized organizations may not have or use the benefits of a Recognized Foundation at KCTCS expense or using KCTCS resources. 
    1. Upon recommendation of the President of the KCTCS entity with which an unrecognized organization or individual, former Recognized Foundation or member thereof, was or purported to be associated, the KCTCS President may authorize or direct appropriate legal action against such person or organization for violating the provisions of this policy or any rights of KCTCS.

4. Procedure

Administrative Procedure 7.4-P implements this policy.