Administrative Policies
Procedures for Naming of Buildings and Facilities for Private Donors
Policy Number: 7.10.2
Current Effective Date: 09/23/2005
Original Effective Date: 04/30/1999
Revision Dates: 09/23/2005
Revision Number: 1
Revision Summary:
Responsible Official: Vice President, Institutional Advancement
In accordance with KCTCS Board of Regents Policy 7.10 Naming of Buildings and Facilities for Private Donors, the following procedures are set forth:
- Requests for naming buildings and facilities for private donors shall be discussed
in advance with the KCTCS Office of Institutional Advancement prior to discussing
or making a commitment to the donor.
- An official written request that articulates and documents how the proposed building
name complies with the KCTCS Board of Regents policy on Naming of Buildings and Facilities for Private Donors shall be directed to the KCTCS President in sufficient time to seek approval by the
Named Building Advisory Committee and meet the deadlines for KCTCS Board of Regents
- Having received a recommendation from a Named Building Advisory Committee, the KCTCS
President shall make final recommendations to the Board of Regents for approval. Interested
parties shall hold all recommendations in the strictest confidence until officially
approved by the KCTCS Board of Regents. Recommendations for naming a building for
an individual, family, business, or organization must follow guidelines set forth
in Board policy and be approved by the honoree(s) or family representative(s) of the
person(s) being memorialized prior to submission to the Named Building Advisory Committee.
- Recommendations for named buildings should be submitted and approved prior to the approval of the architect's preliminary drawings. Barring this, building names should be requested in sufficient time for consideration and approval prior to occupancy