Administrative Policies
Policy for Students Called to Active Military Duty
Policy Number: 6.7
Current Effective Date: 02/27/2012
Original Effective Date: 07/08/2003
Revision Dates: 01/04/2007, 11/20/2009, 02/27/2012
Revision Number: 3
Revision Summary:
Responsible Official: Vice President, Student Services
KCTCS students in the National Guard and Reserves and with some prior active duty personnel may be called/recalled to active duty.
KCTCS recognizes and appreciates the important contributions made by these men and women to our country. In support of these students, KCTCS has developed the following procedures to provide each college with maximum flexibility in assisting these students. Students with activation orders or other official documentation will be provided the following options:
- Withdraw from all classes and 100% of the tuition and mandatory fees would be refunded.
- Student makes arrangements with his/her instructor(s) for a grade and/or an incomplete
(to be made up in the specified time period) in the course(s). The registration would
remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees would be assessed in full.
- If arrangements are made with only some of the student’s instructors for a grade and/or an incomplete, the registration for those courses would remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees would be assessed for those courses. Any courses for which arrangements cannot be made for a grade and/or an incomplete could be dropped and the tuition and mandatory fees for those courses would be refunded.
To be eligible for any of the above options, a copy of activation orders or other official documentation must be provided to the Chief Student Officer or designee.
The option available to the student depends on the point in the semester/term when the student is called to active duty.
Financial aid is refunded in accordance with existing KCTCS and Federal policies for each of the above situations. Inquiries should be directed to the Office of Student Financial Aid.
These procedures do not apply to national guardsmen or reservists who are fulfilling their annual two-week active duty, or to students that enlist into active duty during the semester/term.
A KCTCS employee who is also enrolled as a student at a KCTCS college will follow the KCTCS administrative policy on military leave and the KCTCS human resources procedure related to military leave regarding their employment status. A KCTCS tuition waiver is not refundable under this policy.
6.7.1 Readmission of Service Members
The readmission process of service members who have returned from deployment/active military duty should be minimized to allow a student to return to a KCTCS college without penalty for having left because of such service. Service in the uniformed service means voluntary or involuntary service in the Armed Forces, including the National Guard or Reserve, on active duty, active duty for training, or full-time National Guard duty under Federal authority, for more than 30 consecutive days under a call or order to active duty of more than 30 consecutive days.
Prompt readmission means that a college must readmit the student into the next class or classes in the student’s program beginning after the student provides notice of his or her intent to re-enroll, unless the student requests a later date of readmission, or unusual circumstances require the college to admit the student at a later date.
Each college will designate one or more offices that the student may contact to provide information on his or her intent to return after deployment. Information on college contact(s) should include, but not limited to, the college website, information on campus, and materials targeting service members being deployed or who have just returned from deployment/active military duty.