Administrative Policies
KCTCS Physical Facilities and Major Equipment Planning and Management Policies
Policy Number: 5.4.2
Current Effective Date: 04/04/2023
Original Effective Date: 04/30/1999
Revision Dates: 05/25/2005, 04/04/2023
Revision Number: 2
Revision Summary: update cost limits
Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services
This policy establishes the basis for procedures and related assignment of responsibilities
for the planning and management of the physical facility and equipment needs of the
Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS). This policy recognizes the
need, and specifically provides for:
- General Responsibilities
- Planning Processes
- Campus Physical Development Plans
- Space Requirement Plans
- Facilities Plans and Major Equipment Plans
- Management Policies
- Capital Construction Policies and Procedures
- Real Property Acquisition, Disposition, and Related Policies and Procedures
- Allocation of Space
- Debt Service Procedures General Responsibilities
The KCTCS President is responsible to the KCTCS Board of Regents for directing the overall planning and management of the physical facilities of the KCTCS. This responsibility entails preserving and enhancing a quality physical environment which provides efficient, functional, and pleasant surroundings for fulfilling KCTCS mission and objectives. It includes providing for effective land use, thoughtful and sensitive integration of buildings and open space, adequate utility and service networks, and safe and accessible vehicular and pedestrian systems.
The KCTCS President delegates authority for accomplishing portions of the KCTCS physical facilities planning and management function to the KCTCS Vice President for Finance as delineated herein. The local college presidents/chief executive officers shall be responsible for developing plans for their areas of responsibility and for the day-to-day management of assigned facilities and campus areas. Planning Processes
Planning shall be focused in college physical development plans, space requirements plans, facility plans, and major equipment plans.
- Campus Physical Development plans provide a context in which space requirement plans and facility plans are established.
Physical development plans define a system, consistent with the KCTCS mission and
strategic plans, for land acquisition and utilization, buildings/site densities, parking,
vehicular and pedestrian circulation, campus services, building materials, utilities
[and] landscaping and signage.
Physical Development Plans are prepared at the direction of the Office of the KCTCS President, with the advice of the KCTCS Vice President for Finance.
Physical Development Plans shall be reviewed and amended as necessary prior to the preparation of six-year capital improvement plans, new building construction, biennial capital budget requests, and major equipment plans, but may be amended more frequently as needed. Modifications to the campus physical development plans shall be submitted to the KCTCS Vice President for Finance for review and recommendation to the KCTCS President. - Space Requirement Plans analyze the current use of space, project space requirements for planned academic
and support programs, compare existing space utilization to projected space needs,
and serve as a basis for college facility plans. Each college shall prepare biennially,
as part of the six-year planning process, space requirement plans, within the context
of established information and guidelines.
- Facilities Plans and Major Equipment Plans
- Facility Plans are an integral part of KCTCS strategic planning and include six-year
capital improvement plans, biennial capital budget requests, and annual capital budgets.
Facility planning is an essential part of the college’s comprehensive planning process
and is dependent upon, and interacts with academic and financial planning. The primary
purpose of facility planning is to identify logically and systematically the physical
resources required to support current and future KCTCS goals, objectives, and programs.
The KCTCS will develop as part of strategic planning, facilities plans which include: (1) status reports on the facility plans prepared for the current biennium and (2) prioritized facility plans, to include land acquisitions and dispositions, proposed for each of the forthcoming two biennia. - Major Movable Equipment Plans are required for individual items of movable equipment
equal to or exceeding $200,000, and serve a purpose similar to facility plans in the
KCTCS long range planning process. Major Movable Equipment Plans shall be submitted
by each college for inclusion in the KCTCS improvement plans, biennial capital budget
requests, and annual capital budgets.
- Prioritization of Capital Projects and Major Movable Equipment Items: The college presidents/chief executive officers shall prepare and submit to the KCTCS Vice President for Finance prioritized proposals of capital projects and major movable equipment items for inclusion in their respective six-year capital improvement plans and biennial capital budget requests as appropriate. These proposals should clearly identify the source of funds (including lease-purchase or similar financing arrangements) for each project and item of equipment. The KCTCS Facilities Management shall coordinate the submission of the prioritized list to the Office of the KCTCS President.
- Facility Plans are an integral part of KCTCS strategic planning and include six-year
capital improvement plans, biennial capital budget requests, and annual capital budgets.
Facility planning is an essential part of the college’s comprehensive planning process
and is dependent upon, and interacts with academic and financial planning. The primary
purpose of facility planning is to identify logically and systematically the physical
resources required to support current and future KCTCS goals, objectives, and programs. Management Policies
- Capital Construction
Individual capital projects which involve the construction, demolition, renovation, or repair of college facilities shall be accomplished in strict accordance with all applicable state and federal ordinances, statutes, and regulations having jurisdiction. All projects estimated to cost $40,000 or more shall be administered through the Finance and Administration Cabinet by the Department of Facilities Management. - Real Property Acquisition and Disposition
The KCTCS President shall have the administrative responsibility for all land acquisitions and dispositions including contractual agreements. Land acquisitions and dispositions shall be managed in the context of approved campus physical development plans except as authorized by the KCTCS President. - Allocation of Space
The KCTCS President, or his designee, is responsible for the general allocation of space as a resource at the KCTCS. Space in the KCTCS which is vacated in whole or in part for the occupation of a newly constructed or acquired space must be specifically reallocated. KCTCS space may be rented in accordance with established KCTCS procedures only after it has been determined that there is no use for such space for current or future programs. Agencies and organizations allied with the KCTCS shall be given consideration in the allocation of available space. The rent charged for available space, except in cases approved by the KCTCS President or his designee, shall be sufficient to cover all costs involved.
Pursuant to established schedules and formats, reports on all space occupied by KCTCS colleges and System Office shall be submitted to the KCTCS President or his designee. The KCTCS President or his designee shall determine that adequate space is available to accommodate grant proposals before such proposals are submitted to sponsoring agencies. - Debt Service Procedures
The scheduling of projects which are funded through the issuance of bonds, or other type debt instruments shall be consistent with the debt service authority approved by the Kentucky General Assembly regarding total debt authority and annual debt service amounts.