KCTCS Faculty/Staff Media Relations Policy | KCTCS

Administrative Policies

Media Relations Policy

Policy Number: 4.21

Current Effective Date: 05/21/2021

Original Effective Date: 11/25/2014

Revision Dates: 11/25/2014, 05/21/2021

Revision Number: 1

Revision Summary: conversion to new format

Responsible Official: KCTCS President

References: Administrative Procedure 4.21-P

1. Purpose

This policy was established to clarify procedures for interaction with the media at the System Office and colleges within the Kentucky Community and Technical College System. 

2. Scope

This policy applies to all KCTCS employees, vendors, and consultants in all operating areas.

3. Policy

KCTCS is committed to open, honest communication with the public, and one important way we communicate is through the media. The colleges and System Office maintain Marketing Departments that are staffed with professionals who are trained to work with the media. This department is the designated contact point for the media and is the source of official information to the media. 

4. Procedure

Administrative Procedure 4.21-P implements this policy.