Administrative Policies
KCTCS Workplace Violence Policy
Policy Number: 3.3.25
Current Effective Date: 07/22/2002
Original Effective Date: 07/22/2002
Revision Dates: 07/22/2002
Revision Number: 0
Revision Summary:
Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services
KCTCS is committed to providing faculty, staff, students and visitors with a safe and secure workplace that encourages productive employment and is as free as possible from intimidation, threats of violence and acts of violence.
KCTCS will not tolerate intimidation, threats of violence and/or acts of violence committed by or against KCTCS employees, or members of the public, while on KCTCS property or while performing KCTCS business at other locations.
KCTCS employees who commit violent acts or who are found to engage in behavior in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Also, appropriate legal action may be taken against employees and/or others who violate this policy, including, but not limited to, protective orders, criminal prosecution, trespassing them from KCTCS campuses, etc. Prohibitions
KCTCS strictly prohibits acts of intimidation, threats of violence and/or acts of violence in the workplace, on campus or other locations where KCTCS business is conducted. Types of behaviors that are prohibited and in violation of this policy include but certainly are not limited to:
- Intimidating, threatening, malicious or hostile statements, actions or gestures,
- Name-calling, shouting, obscene language or gestures, stalking and other abusive behavior,
- Intimidation through direct or veiled verbal and/or written threats,
- Intimidation through unjust exercise of power or authority,
- Threatening comments regarding, or references to, violent events and/or behaviors,
- Throwing objects in the workplace regardless of the size or type of object being thrown,
or whether a person is the target of the thrown object,
- Physically touching another person in an intimidating, threatening, malicious or hostile
manner, including such acts as: fighting, hitting, slapping, poking, kicking, pinching,
grabbing, pushing, bullying, hazing, “getting in your face”, and fist waving/shaking/pounding,
- Carrying or displaying weapons (see related policy KCTCS APP 3.3.23),
- Intimidating, threatening, malicious or hostile phone calls – includes calls made
by one employee to another inside or outside the workplace, or by an employee in the
workplace to an individual outside (non-member) of the workplace,
- Intentional damage, destruction or sabotage of company/institutional property or equipment
or another’s property or equipment or any substantial threat to damage, destroy or
sabotage property or equipment,
- Vandalism, arson, or sabotage,
- Bomb threats,
- Rape/sexual assault, and
- Any other act or behavior that is determined to be offensive, inappropriate, threatening and/or violent in the workplace, on campus or other locations where KCTCS business is conducted. Employee Responsibilities
It is the responsibility of every KCTCS employee to assist and cooperate in making the workplace as safe and secure as possible.
- Refrain from acts of intimidation, threats of violence and/or acts of violence in
the workplace, and if necessary, seek assistance to resolve personal issues that may
lead to such acts,
- Report any actual or perceived violation of the Workplace Violence Policy to your
next-in-line supervisor who is not a party to the violation, or directly to the KCTCS
Workplace Violence Prevention Assessment and Response Team, and
- Employees are strongly encouraged to report to their supervisor situations that occur outside of the workplace that may affect workplace safety and security, i.e., domestic violence, instances where protective orders have been issued, etc.
Any conduct, behavior or “jokes” that are inappropriate and involve intimidation, threats of violence and/or acts of violence will be taken seriously by KCTCS. No employee shall be subjected to criticism, reprisal or retaliation for good faith reporting of inappropriate behavior or threatening or violent incidents pursuant to this policy. Supervisor Responsibilities
Assess situations, make judgments on the appropriate response, respond to reports of or knowledge of violence, document incidents, and consult the KCTCS workplace violence Prevention Assessment and Response Team.
- Any reports of threats and/or violence, will be evaluated immediately and confidentially,
and appropriate action will be taken, where possible, in order to protect the employee
from further violence.
- Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment will
be taken when it is determined that KCTCS employees have committed acts of threats
and/or violence.
- When employee safety is a concern, supervisors should evaluate the workplace and make appropriate recommendations regarding a reasonable response. Prevention Assessment and Response Team (PART) Responsibilities
PART is composed of representatives from the Human Resources, Security, Risk Management, Communications, Legal departments and other units as appropriate. PART provides support services before, during, or after an incident, crisis or traumatic event. PART consults with internal departments to:
- Assess reports and/or incidents involving acts of intimidation, threats of violence
and/or acts of violence in the workplace;
- Investigate reports of those acts as appropriate;
- Determine the appropriate actions and resources to assist and support affected employees/departments;
- Develop and implement an action plan in response to those acts
The Workplace Violence Policy Quick Reference Sheet will be distributed to employees/departments by Human Resources Coordinators, and will be updated as needed.