Administrative Policies
Live Animals on Campus
Policy Number: 3.3.24
Current Effective Date: 02/19/2019
Original Effective Date: 04/03/2001
Revision Dates: 11/19/2002, 06/12/2012, 02/19/2019
Revision Number: 3
Revision Summary:
Responsible Official: Vice President, Student Services; General Counsel
References: Administrative Procedure 3.3.24-P
1. Purpose
This Policy establishes the parameters under which live animals may gain access to KCTCS buildings and grounds.
2. Scope
This Policy applies to all KCTCS owned or controlled premises and all members of the KCTCS community, including employees, students, volunteers and visitors.
3. Policy
KCTCS is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning environment and protecting the assets of the Commonwealth that are invested in its facilities and grounds. Uncontrolled or unsupervised animals on campus may undermine that environment and cause severe personal injury or property damage. To protect campus health and safety, animals are generally prohibited on KCTCS property, except:
- Service animals supporting an individual with a disability
- Live animals for teaching and instruction
- Live animals for performances, productions or other activities sanctioned by the college
Applicable definitions and process guidance are provided in the associated procedure.
4. Procedure
Administrative Procedure 3.3.24-P implements this policy.