KCTCS Fund-Raising Policy | KCTCS

Administrative Policies

KCTCS Fund-Raising Policy

Policy Number: 3.3.18

Current Effective Date: 05/31/2006

Original Effective Date: 04/30/1999

Revision Dates: 08/26/2003; 05/31/2006

Revision Number: 2

Revision Summary:

Responsible Official: Chancellor


While KCTCS encourages employees’ fund-raising on its behalf, proper coordination and approval is necessary to avoid conflicts and confusion.

Therefore, all fund-raising activities conducted on behalf of or in the name of the KCTCS colleges as a whole, or any individual KCTCS college, by any employee shall be coordinated together with the office of the president/chief executive officer of the applicable college or the Chancellor. Grants or gifts may not be accepted on behalf of the applicable college or the Chancellor, as applicable, without the approval of the college president/ceo or the Chancellor.

It is unlawful for anyone to appropriate for their use or the use of another the name, logo, seal, emblem, or any other trademarks or service marks of a KCTCS college or of the KCTCS without the written permission of the president/ceo of the applicable college or of the Chancellor, as applicable.