Administrative Policies
Emeritus Status for College Presidents
Policy Number: 2.2
Current Effective Date: 11/11/2014
Original Effective Date: 11/11/2014
Revision Dates: 11/11/14
Revision Number: 0
Revision Summary:
Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services
Emeritus status is an honor bestowed for distinguished institutional service. This administrative policy is intended to recognize the distinguished contributions of a college president upon retirement, if the following conditions have been fulfilled.
A college president who retires with a minimum of twelve (12) consecutive years of full-time service as college president at one college in the Kentucky Community and Technical College System may be eligible for designation as College President Emeritus. Such designation shall not entitle the nominee to any salary or benefits from KCTCS. College President Emeritus is an honorary title.
The College Board of Directors may nominate a retiring or retired college president for emeritus status within the nine months prior to or following the president’s effective date of retirement. At a minimum and with specific examples, the nomination shall address the following criteria:
- Long-term record of professional experience.
- Meritorious professional growth.
- Other significant contributions to college programs or initiatives or to the college’s community.
The KCTCS President shall review nominations for emeritus status to determine whether nominees meet the appropriate criteria. Upon successful review, the KCTCS President shall notify the System Director of Human Resources of the approved emeritus status for inclusion in the quarterly Board of Regents Personnel Actions.