KCTCS Rank and Promotion Guidelines for Term Contract Faculty | KCTCS

Administrative Policies

KCTCS Rank and Promotion Guidelines for Term Contract Faculty

Policy Number: 2.6.3

Current Effective Date: 12/09/2021

Original Effective Date: 02/13/2002

Revision Dates: 06/23/2004, 09/22/2014, 12/09/2021

Revision Number: 3

Revision Summary: addition of Professorship in Memorium section

Responsible Official: Chancellor

References: Definition

Term contract faculty are those full-time teaching faculty offered non-tenured contracts for specific contract terms as specified in administrative policy. Process

Whereas a series of employment contracts may be offered at the discretion of the local chief administrative officer over a long-term association with KCTCS, term contract faculty (with the exception of the Lecturer rank) may be awarded promotion in rank for assistant professor, associate professor (without tenure), and professor (without tenure) according to the following process:

  1. The faculty member must be invited to apply for promotion according to existing promotion procedures. (See Administrative Policies 2.1 (Track A) and 2.6).

  2. A promotion portfolio, which meets established promotion criteria, is to be submitted to the college faculty promotion peer committee utilizing existing procedures by the annual specified date.

  3. The existing college faculty promotion peer committee will evaluate the promotion portfolio; the committee chair will submit the committee’s recommendation to the college CEO by the annual specified date.

  4. The college CEO is delegated the authority to approve or deny promotions for term contract faculty from Instructor to Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, and Associate Professor to Professor. The college CEO shall prepare a letter that includes comments on the quality of the promotion portfolio, action taken by the college faculty promotion peer committee, and the CEO action.
    • An approved action by the college CEO will be communicated through the Chancellor to the President of KCTCS, who will report it to the KCTCS Board of Regents.
    • In the case of denial, the college CEO will inform the faculty member in writing, including the reasons, and also notify the Division Chairperson.
    • If the college CEO denies the promotion, the faculty member may appeal to the system promotion appeals committee upon receipt of the written notification of denial from the college CEO, utilizing existing appeal timelines and processes. Timeline

Standard Promotion Process for Assistant, Associate Professor, Professor:

  • Annual Performance Reviews for Promotion Candidates – January through
    first week of February.
  • Deadline for submitting promotion folders to college faculty promotion peer
    committee - on or before Monday of the second week of February.
  • Deadline for college CEO to forward to Chancellor – third week of March. (Term) Professorship in Memorium

Should a faculty member have been invited up for promotion to any rank by their College President/CEO; and should the faculty member pass away during the invitation year; the College faculty may vote to award the deceased faculty member with a Professorship in Memorium.

If the faculty votes in favor of this honor, the College Chief Academic Officer or President will inform the KCTCS Chancellor, and the honor will be recorded in the Human Resources report to the Board of Regents during the next scheduled regular meeting. The College may provide a certificate to the honoree’s family as desired.