Formal Compliant Resolution | KCTCS

Administrative Policies

Formal Complaint Resolution

Policy Number:

Current Effective Date: 11/01/2017

Original Effective Date: 06/22/1998

Revision Dates: 06/14/2005, 11/25/2008, 05/04/2010, 06/13/2011, 11/01/2017

Revision Number: 5

Revision Summary: revision of format, and content to create separate procedure

Responsible Official: General Counsel

References: Administrative Procedure, Board of Regents Policy 2.16.3

1. Purpose

This Policy describes the formal personnel dispute resolution process available to employees concerning violation, misinterpretation or improper application of a specific personnel statute, regulation, policy, procedure, or process as described herein, unless specified in other KCTCS policies and procedures.

2. Scope

This Policy applies to all employees of KCTCS.

This Policy does not apply to matters relating to faculty privilege, promotion, or tenure that are governed by other policies and procedures resulting in referral to the KCTCS Senate Advisory Committee on Appeals.

This Policy does not apply to matters involving discrimination, hostile work environment, harassment or discrimination that are governed by other policies and procedures.

This Policy is limited to the scope of issues described in the accompanying procedure

3. Policy

Pursuant to KRS 164.586, the KCTCS Board of Regents authorized the KCTCS President to establish this personnel dispute resolution system. Since the persons accountable for the delivery and quality of service, namely department heads and their immediate supervisors, have the primary responsibility to resolve work disputes, this system emphasize resolution within the management system at the earliest possible level, in the shortest possible time frame. The steps of the process are described in the affiliated procedure. 

For applicable disputes, the final decision by the Board of Regents’ designee may be appealed through an independent third party appeal as described in Board of Regents Policy 2.16.3.


Procedure implements this policy.