Administrative Policies
Informal Personnel Dispute Resolution Procedures
Policy Number:
Current Effective Date: 06/13/2011
Original Effective Date: 06/13/2011
Revision Dates: 06/13/2011
Revision Number: 0
Revision Summary:
Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services
KCTCS strives to foster an environment that encourages employees to bring an issue or dispute with a coworker directly to that individual. If a resolution cannot be reached with the individuals, employees shall arrange a meeting with their immediate supervisor(s) to discuss issues that arise during the course of employment. Supervisors have the responsibility to respond to these matters so that employee concerns are properly addressed.
Another alternative in addressing concerns involves mediation through the KCTCS Voluntary Intervention Program. This may be invoked as an alternative to the Complaint Resolution Procedure (CRP) and engages all appropriate parties in the resolution of the issues. Once a complaint has been made under the CRP, appeals to the next level in the CRP may be placed “on hold” in order to attempt to reach resolution through the mediation process. If a signed Mediation Agreement is the outcome of the mediation process, then the issue shall be ineligible for further appeals through the CRP. Faculty or staff interested in mediation should contact their Human Resources Director. If this is not possible, you should contact System Office HR for assistance.
Any information discussed in such informal meetings is considered confidential to the extent possible. Retaliation against any employee for appropriate usage of open communication channels is prohibited. If the issues cannot be resolved informally, the individual shall be so informed and be advised of the KCTCS Complaint Resolution Procedure in writing by the appropriate supervisor or mediator.