Leaves of Absence | KCTCS

Administrative Policies

Leaves of Absence

Policy Number: 2.14

Current Effective Date: 01/04/2007

Original Effective Date: 06/22/1998

Revision Dates: 01/04/2007

Revision Number: 1

Revision Summary:

Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services


Opt Over Banked Leave Balances

KCTCS employees under the UK personnel system or 18A/151B personnel system who exercise their one-time election to opt over to the KCTCS personnel system without a break in service shall bank existing vacation/annual leave, compensatory leave, and sick/temporary disability leave balances. These banked balances shall be available for use subject to the leave policies under the KCTCS personnel system. KCTCS policies shall govern new leave accumulations.

Continuous Service Credit for Employees Who Elect to Opt Over

For KCTCS employees who exercise their one-time election to opt over to the KCTCS personnel system, their length of service for benefits calculations shall be their combined, uninterrupted service for KCTCS and the University of Kentucky Community College System, Lexington Community College, or the Commonwealth of Kentucky prior to the transfer to KCTCS set forth by statute. They shall retain their original service date.