Administrative Policies

Political Leave

Policy Number: 2.14.5

Current Effective Date: 01/04/2007

Original Effective Date: 04/30/1999

Revision Dates: 06/14/2005, 01/04/2007

Revision Number: 2

Revision Summary:

Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services


Like other citizens, KCTCS employees are free to engage in political activities, so far as they are permitted to do so within conflict of interest statutes and their job–related obligations. When necessary, leaves of absence without pay may be approved for the duration of an election campaign or a term of public office; provided that there has been a timely application for leave and that the requested leave is limited to a reasonable period of time. The terms of a leave of absence for this purpose shall be set forth in writing. The leave shall not affect unfavorably the tenure status of a faculty member, except that the time spent on such leave from academic duties does not count as faculty probationary service or staff introductory period unless agreed to otherwise. Regarding part-time service in public office while actively employed, see KCTCS administrative policies and procedures regarding outside employment, external workloads, and running for or serving in elective or appointive office.