Administrative Policies

Unauthorized Absences or Leaves

Policy Number: 2.14.3

Current Effective Date: 01/04/2007

Original Effective Date: 04/30/1999

Revision Dates: 05/15/2002, 01/04/2007

Revision Number: 2

Revision Summary:

Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services


Employees who are absent from work without adequate notice to and advance approval from the employees’ supervisory official may be subject to loss of pay and/or disciplinary action. Severe or repeated infractions may be considered as justification for the non-renewal of a contract, or termination of employment before the end of the appointment period.

In addition, abuse or misuse of sick/temporary disability leave (TDL) or other paid leave may be cause for more restrictive reporting and certification requirements for the individual employee in order for the use of paid sick/TDL or other paid leaves to be approved for an individual employee. Unapproved sick leave shall be unpaid.

Furthermore, excessive or unplanned absenteeism and tardiness are disruptive. Employees who have absences due to excessive use of paid or unpaid leave due to non-Family Medical Leave absences, or other frequent absences due to other reasons, may be separated from employment.

In addition, unauthorized absences or leaves shall be addressed in accordance with KCTCS policies and human resources procedures regarding leaves, pay, attendance, scheduling/hours of work, compensation, progressive discipline, and job abandonment.