Administrative Policies

Terminal Vacation Pay

Policy Number:

Current Effective Date: 01/04/2007

Original Effective Date: 06/22/1998

Revision Dates: 11/20/2001, 03/05/2004, 01/04/2007

Revision Number: 3

Revision Summary:

Responsible Official: Vice President, Administrative Services

References: Faculty Terminal Vacation Pay

KCTCS Personnel System and UK Personnel System

For employees under this personnel system, when separating employment faculty members shall receive terminal vacation pay if applicable, provided they leave in good standing.

If separation from employment occurs prior to the start of an assignment period, faculty members shall not be entitled to any vacation pay for that assignment period within the new appointment period.

Faculty members who terminate their contracts prior to the end of an assignment period and who leave in good standing shall receive prorated terminal vacation pay based on the amount of unused vacation days earned during the portion of their assignment period in which they were actually employed.

In addition, faculty members who separate from employment at the end of their assignment period or appointment period who leave in good standing shall be compensated for unused vacation leave.

Faculty terminal vacation pay for unused vacation leave shall be limited to a maximum of twenty-two (22) days. The calculation of the number of prorated vacation days for which a faculty member is entitled to receive terminal pay shall be based on the portion of the number of months in the assignment period that they were employed, rather than on the portion of the 12-month appointment period that they were employed. The faculty terminal vacation pay rate shall be calculated at a rate of pay based on the length of faculty members’ assignment period (10-month, 11-month or 12-month), rather than on their 12-month pay rate for 10-month and 11-month faculty.

In accordance with proration of vacation leave upon separation from employment, faculty members who used vacation leave during their employment that is in excess of the prorata amount earned based on their date of separation shall be required to reimburse KCTCS for the amount of unearned vacation they used and were paid.

In addition, faculty who opted over from the 18A/151B personnel system who retain a balance of banked vacation leave that was earned under their previous personnel system shall also receive terminal vacation pay in the amount equal to their current balance of banked vacation leave, not to exceed the maximum allowable terminal vacation payout as specified under the 18A/151B regulations.

Applicable faculty terminal vacation pay will be paid in the event of the death of a faculty employee.

18A/151B Personnel System

For employees under this personnel system terminal annual leave pay is addressed in the provisions of their retirement plan and in the Kentucky Administrative Regulations for KRS Chapter 18A and KRS Chapter151B in effect as of June 30, 1998, located in Appendix I (Section 2) of this manual. Staff Terminal Vacation Pay

KCTCS Personnel System and UK Personnel System

For employees under this personnel system regular full-time or part-time employees (who are eligible to accrue vacation leave) who are separating from employment with KCTCS are eligible to receive wages or salary for unused accumulated vacation leave, at the time of their date of separation following their last actual day of work normally to be included with their final pay, provided that they meet the following criteria:

  • Employees successfully completed the new employee introductory period, if
  • Employees separate either (a) "in good standing," i.e., proper advance notice
    of their separation was given and was fulfilled in accordance with KCTCS policies
    that address the required time frames (this notice may be waived at KCTCS’
    discretion) or (b) involuntarily for reasons other than misconduct.
  • Employees shall receive terminal vacation pay in the amount equal to their current balance of vacation leave earned under the KCTCS personnel system as of their date of separation, not to exceed one year’s accrual of their annual vacation leave allowance. In addition, employees who opted over from the UK personnel system who retain a balance of banked vacation leave earned under that personnel system shall also receive terminal vacation pay in the amount equal to their current balance of banked vacation leave, not to exceed one year of their annual allowance. Likewise, employees who opted over from the 18A/151B personnel system who retain a balance of banked vacation leave earned under that personnel system shall also receive terminal vacation pay in the amount equal to their current balance of banked vacation leave, not to exceed the maximum allowable payout as specified in the 18A/151B regulations.
  • Terminal vacation pay of staff who have a 10-month or 11-month assignment period
    shall be calculated at a rate of pay based on the length of their assignment period (10
    months or 11 months).

Applicable staff terminal vacation pay will be paid in the event of the death of a staff employee.

18A/151B Personnel System

For employees under this personnel system annual leave is addressed in the provisions of their retirement plan and in the Kentucky Administrative Regulations for KRS Chapter 18A and KRS Chapter151B in effect as of June 30, 1998, located in Appendix I (Section 2) of this manual.