Administrative Policies
Employee Responsibilities Policy
Policy Number: 2.0.2
Current Effective Date: 01/01/2020
Original Effective Date: 01/01/2020
Revision Dates: 0
Revision Number: 0
Revision Summary: new policy
Responsible Official: General Counsel
References: Administrative Procedure 2.0.2-P
1. Purpose
This mandatory Policy states the responsibilities of all KCTCS employees. Violations of this Policy could result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment.
2. Scope
This Policy applies to all KCTCS employees.
3. Policy
- KCTCS Expectations. KCTCS believes in maintaining a professional, respectful, and harmonious working
relationship among all employees. KCTCS expects all employees to use their time, talents,
and energies to achieve, maintain, improve, and contribute to a safe, efficient, and
legally compliant workplace. KCTCS also expects all employees to contribute to a
productive learning and working environment that delivers top quality service to the
students, employers, and citizens of the Commonwealth.
- Employee Responsibilities. All KCTCS employees shall:
- Perform their duties with reasonable timeliness, diligence, competence, and professionalism.
- Produce positive performance results.
- Demonstrate respect and civility to their students, co-workers, leadership, customers,
and community members.
- Abide by:
- Local, state, and federal laws;
- KCTCS policies and procedures;
- College and departmental rules and guidelines; and
- Reasonable instructions of their supervisors and other authorized KCTCS officials.
- Cooperate with leadership and co-workers.
- Demonstrate a respectful and positive team attitude.
- Communicate their professional opinions and suggestions to leadership and co-workers
in a manner intended to improve the quality of the System.
- Perform their duties with reasonable timeliness, diligence, competence, and professionalism.
- Corrective Action. Work performance infractions and/or inappropriate workplace behaviors may warrant
discipline or other appropriate corrective action after a fair review of the circumstances.
KCTCS supervisors and managers, in consultation with College Human Resources Directors
and/or the Director of Employee Relations at the System Office, shall determine whether
discipline or other appropriate corrective action is necessary, in accordance with
Administrative Procedure 2.0.2-P Employee Responsibilities and Corrective Action Procedure.
- Management Responsibilities. All levels of KCTCS management shall:
- Establish and enforce a workplace culture that consistently upholds and promotes KCTCS’ vision and mission, Core Values, policies and procedures, and the law.
Provide and maintain channels of open communication with all employees and encourage employees to use those channels to discuss any problem, issue, or question.
Carefully, compassionately, and civilly engage their employees, with an eye toward productivity and transparency.
Take reasonably prompt and fair action of any complaints that arise in the everyday conduct of their affairs.
Respect individual rights, and treat employees, students, and others with courtesy, civility, and consideration.
Maintain mutual respect in their working relationships.
Keep all employees informed of the progress of KCTCS, the colleges, and unit or departmental goals and objectives.
- KCTCS Responsibilities. KCTCS strives to:
- Provide employees with a challenging and rewarding work experience.
- Select skilled, trained, able people without regard to age, sex, gender, color, race,
creed, national origin, religion, political affiliation, veteran status, or a disability
that does not prohibit performance of essential job functions.
- Compensate employees in accord with federal and state laws, and the authority and/or
directives of the KCTCS Board of Regents.
- Review wages, employee benefits, and working conditions regularly, consistent with
sound business practices.
- Provide reasonable vacation, sick leave, paid time off, holidays, and health and welfare
benefits to all eligible employees in accord with federal and state laws, and the
authority and/or directives of the KCTCS Board of Regents.
- Provide comfortable, orderly, and safe buildings and offices.
- Provide employees with a challenging and rewarding work experience.
4. Procedure
Administrative Procedure 2.02.-P implements this policy.