Administrative Policies
KCTCS Organizational Structure
Policy Number: 1.5
Current Effective Date: 04/15/2022
Original Effective Date: 04/30/1999
Revision Dates: 07/01/2000, 09/18/2000, 12/11/2000, 03/30/2004, 12/14/2004, 06/09/2006, 05/10/2007, 10/30/2007, 10/2/2009, 11/20/2009, 08/11/2010, 09/28/2010, 11/02/2010, 03/07/2011, 12/14/2011, 01/09/2012, 10/02/2012, 08/21/2013, 11/15/2013, 08/24/2015, 04/15/2022
Revision Number: 21
Revision Summary: update to program coordinator qualifications
Responsible Official: KCTCS President
1.5.3 System Office Administration
The KCTCS President is responsible for the administration of KCTCS operations through the KCTCS Chancellor, Vice Presidents and other members of the KCTCS President’s Cabinet. The KCTCS President’s Cabinet is responsible for providing leadership and support for:
- Academic Affairs
- Workforce/Economic Development
- Research and Policy Analysis
- Kentucky Fire Commission
- Distance Learning
- Professional Development and Innovation
- Automotive Manufacturing Technical Education Collaborative
- Student Development
- Student Services
- Strategic Enrollment Management
- Financial Aid
- Cultural Diversity
- Advising
- Job Placement and Career Services
- Technology Solutions
- Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
- Enterprise Systems and End User Support
- Computing and Network Infrastructure
- Library Services
- Information Security
- Development and Alumni Affairs
- Marketing and Communications
- Web/Digital Services
- Governmental Affairs
- KCTCS Foundation, Inc.
- Conference and Event Planning
- Strategic Planning
- Grants and Contracts
- Change and Project Management
- Finance
- Facilities
- Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services
- Human Resources
- Legal Services
1.5.4 The KCTCS College Administration Structure of KCTCS Colleges
The basic organizational units of KCTCS are colleges, academic areas and/or divisions, and other administrative units. The individual colleges are the major educational units. The division is the basic unit of the colleges for instruction and college community service in related fields of learning.
The divisional structure of each college shall be developed by the college, approved by the President of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, and reported to the Board of Regents.
Each of the colleges is headed by a president/ceo, reporting to the KCTCS President. Each of the colleges has a Board of Directors which provides advice to the president/ceo of the college, the KCTCS Chancellor, the President of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, and the Kentucky Community and Technical College System Board of Regents. The counsel of the local Boards of Directors is sought primarily on matters of two-year occupational programs and local community educational needs. Specific functions of the Board of Directors from the Kentucky Postsecondary Education Improvement Act of 1997 as amended in 2003 include: recommending a candidate for the college president, evaluating the college president, approving budget requests, adopting and amending an annual operating budget, and approving a strategic plan. The faculty of each college is administratively responsible to the college president/ceo of the respective college. Faculty of KCTCS Colleges
Teaching and community service functions are paramount in the KCTCS colleges. High standards of competence and performance are expected in the KCTCS colleges. Faculty at the colleges are expected to remain professionally current for their teaching and service tasks.
KCTCS Board of Regents Policy 2.1 defines the Faculty of a college. Within the limits established by policies and procedures, Rules of the Faculty, and the Rules of the Senate, the Faculty of each college shall determine the educational policies of that college. Divisional Faculties
The faculty of a division shall consist of a division head and the members of the division who are members of the faculty of the college. The divisional faculty has the responsibility, with the approval of the chief academic officer and the president/ceo of the applicable college, for the internal educational policies of the division, in so far as these policies do not conflict with those of other divisions, the Rules of the Faculty of the College, the Rules of the Senate, or other Kentucky Community and Technical College System policies and procedures.
1.5.5 Students in the Kentucky Community and Technical College System
The KCTCS colleges attract students with a wide range of backgrounds and abilities. Significant enrollment in KCTCS comes from both part-time and full-time students drawn from high school graduate and adult populations of the communities.
Student goals range from degree seeking to cultural, personal, or professional improvement. KCTCS attempts to meet the needs of a heterogeneous student body by giving particular attention to advising, guidance, and counseling programs.
KCTCS provides developmental/remedial courses for students who need assistance in the basic skills required to be successful in either baccalaureate or associate degree programs.
Many students have goals for educational achievement in programs focused on the development of technical skills and abilities needed in the workforce in the communities in which they live. Many of these goals can be met through enrollment in a technical/ occupational, collegiate-based curricula in KCTCS.
Substantial numbers of students in KCTCS are enrolled in lower division courses leading toward a baccalaureate degree. These students’ goals highlight the important transferability initiatives between colleges and universities.
Thousands of students are served annually through community service programs and non-credit seminars and workshops through KCTCS.
KCTCS values and continuously strives to maintain an environment that fosters student success.
1.5.6 Positions in the Colleges College President/CEO
The president of a college is the chief executive officer of the college. Under the
general direction of the KCTCS President, the president/ceo is charged with general
responsibility for the overall administration of the college. It is the president's
function to see that the policies and procedures of the Kentucky Community and Technical
College System, and the Rules of the Senate are enforced. The president/ceo is an
ex officio member of all college committees. Along with the college faculty, the president/ceo
is responsible for the development and implementation of an instructional program
commensurate with the purposes of a comprehensive community and technical college.
The president/ceo is responsible for the curricula of the college, for the quality
of instruction given therein, for the assignment of duties to all persons, and for
the service provided by the faculty of the college, individually and as a whole. The
president/ceo shall review and finalize the performance evaluations recommended by
the chief academic officer or other administrative personnel of the college.
The president/ceo shall be responsible, without delegation, for recommendations on
salaries, salary changes, appointments (search/appointment/orientation), reappointments,
terminal appointments, decisions not to reappoint, post-retirement appointments, promotions,
and granting of tenure for members of the college or for ultimate action thereon when
such authority has been delegated to the president/ceo by the Chancellor or by the
President of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System.
With regard to students, the president/ceo is charged with administering the requirements and procedures of the college concerning the admission, probation, and dismissal of students.
The president/ceo shall be responsible for the preparation of the budget request for the college, for the business and financial operation of the college, either assumed or delegated, and for the maintenance and operation of the physical plant of the college. It is the president's responsibility to relate the college program to the community through relationships with the Board of Directors, through appropriate use of public information media, and by appropriate relationships with community groups and individuals. The president/ceo shall endeavor to further constructive relations between the college and community.
The college president/ceo has ultimate control of the institution’s fund-raising activities. Chief Academic Officer
General responsibilities of the chief academic officer are summarized in official systemwide job specifications. The specific responsibilities of the chief academic officer are determined locally and described in writing in an official job description on file at the college and in the KCTCS System Office. In all colleges, however, the chief academic officer is responsible for the overall operation of the academic unit of the college and, in most instances, assumes the overall responsibilities of the college in the absence of the president/ceo. The chief academic officer is an administrator who may hold faculty status with academic rank and privilege. Working collaboratively with the president/ceo, chief business officer, chief student services officer, chief community and economic officer, division heads, and faculty, the chief academic officer provides leadership in the planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of the instructional units of the college. The chief academic officer is a key collaborator in the college’s strategic planning efforts.
Typically, the chief academic officer reports to the president/ceo of the college who evaluates him/her annually.
General responsibilities may include:
- To provide leadership to the academic unit consistent with the mission of the college.
- To promote academic integrity and create an effective teaching and learning environment.
- To provide leadership in concert with college academic officers and the KCTCS Chancellor to enhance academic initiatives.
- To participate in professional organizations and professional development opportunities.
- To maintain effective communication in the academic arena among all units of the local college, Kentucky Community and Technical College System, other educational institutions, and the community at large.
- To maintain open communication channels with the leaders in the academic unit (e.g., convene regular meetings with division heads and other academic personnel).
- To be responsible, with the faculty and division heads, for the recruitment and retention of full-time, part-time, and volunteer faculty, as well as staff personnel supporting the instructional unit.
- To promote the professional development of faculty.
- To be responsible with the president/ceo and division heads for the development of the faculty performance review forms.
- To work with the president/ceo, division head, and academic leadership to facilitate the faculty promotion and tenure process.
- To facilitate effective academic processes and procedures that foster student success.
Instructional Programs:
- To be responsible for the development, implementation, and evaluation of academic programs.
- To be responsible, with the division heads, for the preparation and evaluation of the schedule of classes.
- To facilitate and participate in the evaluation processes related to academic affairs program and personnel.
- To ensure that institutional effectiveness efforts are implemented throughout the academic affairs unit.
- To identify computer and information technology needed to enhance the academic affairs unit.
- To provide leadership for academic support and academic services as defined by the individual college (support and services may include library, off-campus, extended campus, learning resource centers, development programs, and community education/community service).
- To formulate and implement an annual budget related to the goals and operational needs of the academic affairs unit.
- To provide leadership in the development of grant proposals.
- To provide leadership in strategic academic planning and to prepare institutional reports as requested by internal and external sources.
- To ensure compliance with Kentucky Community and Technical College System and local college policies and procedures.
- To provide leadership in accountability and institutional effectiveness.
- To assume other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the president/ceo.
- Commitment to the mission of the comprehensive community and technical college.
- Earned doctoral degree from an accredited institution.
- Record of successful experience as an instructor and administrator.
- Experience which demonstrates knowledge and ability to provide visionary leadership.
- Experience or background in curriculum revision and program development.
- Personal and professional integrity.
- Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with others.
- Commitment to team leadership and ability to work effectively as a member of the leadership team.
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Chief Student Services Officer
General responsibilities of the chief student services officer are summarized in official systemwide job specifications. Under the general direction of the president/ceo, the chief student services officer is the chief administrative officer for the personal and cocurricular development of all students. The specific job responsibilities of the chief student services officer are determined locally and described in writing in an official job description on file at the college and in the KCTCS System Office. The chief student services officer provides knowledgeable and effective leadership to their campus, staff, and students; and works with other members of the college to provide a campus environment that promotes academic achievement, retention, and personal and social growth and development for a diverse and dynamic student population. The chief student services officer is viewed as a major participant, along with the chief academic, business and community and economic development officers, in the decision and information processes of the college. The chief student services officer is a key collaborator in the college’s strategic planning efforts.
Typically, the chief student services officer reports to the president/ceo of the college who evaluates him/her annually.
General responsibilities may include:
- To provide on-campus leadership in concert with other members of the college’s administrative team.
- To provide input in the formulation and interpretation of federal, state, and system policies affecting student affairs.
- To provide leadership in concert with chief student services officers and KCTCS to enhance student affairs system-wide.
- To facilitate adherence to all policies and procedures under the locus of student affairs.
- To provide leadership in the community (e.g., civic affairs).
- To provide strong leadership for students and student related issues.
- To participate in professional organizations and professional development opportunities.
- To promote academic integrity and create an effective learning environment.
Student Services Staff:
- To provide primary supervision and direction for: financial aid, student recruitment, and orientation, admissions and records, registration, academic and career advising and counseling, student activities and organizations, multi-cultural affairs, and other duties as assigned by the president.
- To promote the professional development of student services personnel.
- To provide guidance to student services tenure track faculty through the development of the performance review forms, and the promotion and tenure process as delineated in the specific criteria for faculty.
- To provide a systematic and constructive process of performance review for all student services personnel.
Program Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation:
- To assess the internal campus and external environment and develop compatible and dynamic programs, services, and activities to meet college and unit goals.
- To implement goals and initiatives by involving appropriate staff members in all phases of the planning process.
- To conduct an ongoing evaluation of all student affairs programs and services to ensure their effectiveness.
Budget and Fiscal Management:
- To match campus resources and the goals and operational needs of student affairs in an environment of fiscal constraints.
- To be an advocate for funding to support student affairs.
Technological Changes in Student Affairs Administration:
- To identify computer and information technology needed to enhance the delivery of student services.
- To apply outcome assessment techniques to monitor the effectiveness of student services provided.
- Demonstrated commitment to the mission of the comprehensive community and technical college and personalized student services.
- Commitment to institutional advancement and effectiveness strategies.
- Commitment to and ability to implement strategic planning and management (e.g., enrollment, recruitment, and retention).
- Appropriate experience in student affairs.
- Earned masters degree from an accredited institution in higher education, student personnel services, or related area.
- Knowledge and ability to provide visionary leadership.
- Personal and professional integrity.
- Demonstrated ability to develop effective campus and community relationships.
- Program planning and evaluation skills.
- Understanding of legal constraints on practice in student affairs.
- Experience and background in developing programs to support learning in and out of class.
- Effective conflict management skills.
- Commitment to student conduct, advocacy and enforcement.
- Commitment to team leadership.
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
Preference may be given to candidates who demonstrate:
- Five (5) years or more experience in student affairs.
- Completion of an accredited doctoral program in Higher Education, Student Personnel Services, or related area. Chief Business Officer
General responsibilities of the chief business officer are summarized in official systemwide job specifications. The chief business officer is the chief financial officer for budget, accounting, human resources, auxiliary services, facilities/equipment/transportation management, communication infrastructure (i.e., switchboard, ITV, network/computing), mail, access security officer, and safety and security of the college. The specific responsibilities of the chief business officer are determined locally and described in writing in an official job description on file at the college and in the System Office. This position reports directly to the president/ceo of the college. As chief financial officer, the chief business officer advises faculty and staff on appropriate Kentucky Community and Technical College System business procedures, personnel policies, and insures compliance with affirmative action policies. The chief business officer’s responsibility for safety and security is to insure and promote a safe and secure environment for the campus community by implementing safety mandates in facilities management. The chief business officer is a major participant, along with the president/ceo, chief academic officer, chief student services officer, and chief community and economic development officer in strategic planning, decision and information processes of the college.
Typically, the chief business officer reports to the president/ceo of the college who evaluates him/her annually.
General responsibilities may include:
- To provide on-campus leadership in concert with other members of the college’s administrative team.
- To provide leadership in concert with other chief business officers and the KCTCS Vice President primarily responsible for Finance and Facilities Management to enhance business affairs system-wide.
- To provide leadership in the community (e.g., civic affairs).
- To participate in college strategic planning.
- To promote honesty and integrity in business functions.
- To support decisions made by the college’s administrative and management teams.
- To maintain effective communication in the business affairs arena among all units of the local college and Kentucky Community and Technical College System.
- To maintain effective communication with students on fees collections, financial aid disbursement policies and procedures, and other information which affects services to students and fosters student success.
- To coordinate the local college’s annual budget requests to the System and data entry into the appropriate HRS/FRS system.
- To promote the efficient use of college resources and cost effectiveness within the college.
- To reconcile operating budgets, accounts payables and receivables.
- To provide custody, accountability, receipt and disbursement of restricted and unrestricted funds.
Human Resources:
- To supervise the Human Resource unit to insure compliance with staff personnel policies and affirmative action policies.
- To implement staff training to foster success in their duties and responsibilities.
- To supervise maintenance and operations of college facilities and physical plant.
- To insure and promote a safe and secure environment for the campus community by implementing safety mandates and compliance with state and federal regulations.
Auxiliary Services:
- To supervise and identify auxiliary services to address student and faculty/staff needs. Safety and Security:
- To identify and correct safety hazards and obstacles in facilities and physical plant.
- To implement safety mandates and insure compliance.
- To serve on college Safety Committee.
- To ensure adherence to Kentucky Community and Technical College System business procedures and stewardship of college resources.
- To ensure compliance with Personnel Policies and Affirmative Action mandates in hiring and termination practices.
- To ensure compliance with Kentucky Community and Technical College System policies and procedures.
- To provide guidance to business affairs staff and foster their success in the execution of their duties and responsibilities.
- To implement goals and initiatives in all units under their immediate supervision.
- To identify computer and information technology needed to enhance the delivery of business services.
- Commitment to the mission of a comprehensive community and technical college and to personalized business services.
- Earned Bachelors Degree from an accredited institution in Business Administration or Accounting.
- Minimum of four (4) years related experience.
- Knowledge and ability to provide visionary leadership.
- Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with others and demonstrate team spirit.
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
- Program planning and evaluation skills.
- Understanding of legal constraints in practice in business affairs.
- Effective conflict management skills.
- Ability to handle campus issues.
- Personal and professional integrity Chief Community and Economic Development Officer (Workforce Solutions)
General responsibilities of the chief community and economic development officer are summarized in official systemwide job specifications. The chief community and economic development officer coordinates and directs all aspects of community and economic development, including serving the needs of business and industry with customized training, administering business and industry assessments, the adult education program, continuing education classes, business and industry and industry (BIT) classes, and community education events. The specific responsibilities of the chief community and economic development officer are determined locally and described in writing in an official job description on file at the college and in the System Office. The chief community and economic development officer supervises CED personnel, establishes new programs, acts as a liaison between the college and the community, including community services, and manages the CED budget. The chief community and economic development officer is a participant in strategic planning, decision, and information processes of the college.
The chief community and economic development officer reports to the college president/ceo or his/her designee, who evaluates him/her annually.
General responsibilities may include:
- To provide on-campus leadership in concert with members of the college’s administrative team.
- To provide leadership in concert with other chief community and economic development officers and the Chancellor in the area of community and economic development.
- To provide leadership in the community in the area of community and economic development.
- To participate in college strategic planning.
- To promote honesty and integrity in community and economic development functions.
- To support decisions made by the college’s administrative and management teams.
- To work closely with faculty and staff in various departments to establish continuing education and lifelong learning classes and training classes for business and industry.
- To serve on industrial authority boards and local chamber(s) of commerce to establish working relationships with business and industry.
- To maintain effective communication with students on CED information which affects services to students and fosters student success.
- To establish and conform to CED budget constraints.
- To be responsible for generating revenue and student enrollment which helps determine the amount of state funds awarded to the college.
- To be responsible for overseeing the Adult Education and Family Literacy budget.
Human Resources:
- To supervise CED personnel to insure compliance with personnel policies and affirmative action policies.
- To implement staff training to foster success in their duties and responsibilities.
CED Programming:
- To develop customized training classes for business and industry.
- To be responsible for enrolling students in BIT and continuing education classes as well as generating revenue for the college.
- To be flexible in conducting classes for business and industry, meeting proprietary CE needs of specific groups, and being entrepreneurial in looking for new opportunities.
Safety and Security:
- To ensure workplace offices are maintained in a manner conducive to effective work in a safe atmosphere.
- To ensure compliance with appropriate state, Kentucky Community and Technical College System, and college policies and procedures.
- To develop policies and procedures conforming with college and KCTCS policies pertaining to customer service and marketing of CED programs.
- To provide guidance to CED staff and foster their success in the execution of their duties and responsibilities.
- To implement goals and initiatives in the CED area.
- To ensure reports are maintained in CED offices.
- To ensure CED records are maintained in a secure location.
- To insure compliance with personnel policies and affirmative action policies in hiring CED personnel.
- Commitment to the mission of a comprehensive community and technical college and to flexible, customer-oriented community and economic development services.
- Earned Bachelors Degree from an accredited institution; Masters Degree preferred.
- Minimum of two (2) years related experience.
- Knowledge and ability to provide visionary leadership.
- Demonstrated ability to work collaboratively with faculty and staff as well as business and industry leaders.
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
- CED program planning and evaluation skills.
- Demonstrated ability to supervise others in a teamwork environment.
- Personal and professional integrity. Director of Library Services
General responsibilities of the director of library services are summarized in official systemwide job specifications. Under the general direction of the president/ceo or his/her designee, the director of library services is responsible for the management of library and information services. The director of library services provides leadership to the campus and community and promotes an environment for academic achievement. The director guides the planning, development, implementation, and assessment of library and information services. The director of library services, along with the chief academic officer, division heads, program/area coordinators, and faculty, is a major participant in the college’s strategic planning efforts.
The director of library services reports to the president or his/her designee, who evaluates the director.
- Full-time librarians holding a Master’s or Doctoral Degree in Library and Information Science from an American Library Association accredited program will hold faculty rank.
General responsibilities may include:
- To direct the organization and management of library and information services, and library personnel.
- To promote use of current technologies for information access.
- To provide leadership in concert with college library directors and KCTCS Office of Technology Solutions to enhance library and information services systemwide.
- To participate in professional organizations and professional development opportunities.
Library Planning, Implementation and Evaluation:
- To assess the information needs of the college, relating to academics.
- To implement a plan to provide quality information and information services.
- To assess library services with respect to accreditation standards.
- To collaborate with teaching faculty to develop library and information services to meet curriculum needs.
Standards and Ethics:
- To comply with professional standards and ethics that are in accordance with state regulatory statutes and/or American Library Association (ALA) standards.
- Master’s or Doctoral Degree in Library and Information Science from an American Library Association accredited program.
- Five (5) years experience in an academic library or closely related field. Division Administration and Leadership
The division head (interchangeably titled chair, assistant/associate dean, or dean)
serves as the chief administrator of the division faculty in the development of policies
in regard to such matters as the implementation and revision of the division’s programs
and courses. The division head assists the chief academic officer in the preparation
of the class and teaching schedules for the division. The division head presides over
all division meetings, except as the division head may delegate this function, and
is an ex-officio member of all division committees. The division head has administrative
responsibility for implementing the division’s program within the limits established
by the policies and procedures of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System,
the policies of the Senate, and the rules and procedures of the college.
Division heads, in conjunction with the college president/ceo, chief academic officer,
and/or other designee, shall have duties that may include but are not limited to the
- The appointment of new members of the division, promotions, reappointments, terminal
appointments, decisions not to reappoint, postretirement appointments and the granting
of tenure, after consultation with the tenured faculty of the division.
- The periodic evaluation of members of their division by procedures and criteria established
by the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, the college itself, and its
divisional faculties.
- The budget request for the division.
- Other duties as assigned.
In connection with the division head’s major administrative functions, the division head shall seek the advice of members of the division, individually or as groups, or of advisory committees that the division head may appoint (if delegated authority to do so by the college president).
The division head speaks for the division. In the event that the division head feels it necessary to depart from the opinion of the divisional faculty, the division head must communicate the division faculty’s opinion as well as the division head’s recommendation or advice, stating reasons for differing from the division faculty’s opinion, and notify the division faculty of such action.
The division head is appointed by the college president/ceo or designee, in consultation with the chief academic officer and the division faculty, to serve terms based on the local college policy. The policy must be on file at the college and with the KCTCS Chancellor and must include the qualifications of a person to hold the position. Program/Area Coordinator
The program/area coordinator is the coordinating representative of a specific technical program (program coordinator) or a specific discipline area (area coordinator). The specific responsibilities of the program/area coordinator are determined locally and described in writing in an official job description on file at the college and in the System Office. In all colleges, however, the program/area coordinator is responsible for the dayto-day operations of the program/area and collaboratively with the faculty, division head, and the chief academic officer, chief business officer, chief student services officer, and chief community and economic development officer. The program/area coordinator assists in the planning and effectiveness evaluation, development, and implementation of goals for the specific program/area. The program/area coordinator is a key individual in the program/area institutional effectiveness process.
The program/area coordinator works collaboratively with the division head and program/area faculty with reporting channels to the chief academic officer. The program/area coordinator is evaluated during the regular college performance review period.
General responsibilities may include:
- To provide leadership in the program/area consistent with the mission of the college.
- To promote an effective teaching and learning environment.
- To promote the use of academic support and academic services fostering student success within the program/area.
- To maintain an active program advisory committee (technical programs only).
- To encourage effective communication within the program/area, division, and college.
- To be responsible, with the faculty and division head, for the recruitment and retention of qualified full-time, part-time and volunteer (when appropriate) faculty, as well as staff (when appropriate) within the program/area.
- To encourage academic processes and procedures that foster student success within the program/area.
- To participate in the student evaluation of instruction within the academic program/area.
- To be responsible, with the faculty, division head, and chief academic officer, for the overall maintenance and enhancement of a quality academic program/area.
- To be responsible, with the faculty, for curriculum development, implementation of goals, and evaluation of the academic program/area.
- To be responsible, with the division head, for the preparation of the schedule of classes.
- To actively use evaluation reports for the ongoing program effectiveness review and enhancement.
- To be responsible, with the division head, for ensuring that budget request and expenditures are related to the goals and operational needs of the program/area.
- To be responsible, with the division head, for the preparation of institutional reports as requested by internal and external sources.
- To promote compliance with the local college and KCTCS policies and procedures.
- To assume other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the president/ceo and chief academic officer.
- To maintain program data and complete program reviews.
- Commitment to the mission of the comprehensive community and technical college
- Full or part-time faculty member (may be based on any accreditation or regulatory requirements)
- Record of successful experience as an instructor
- Personal and professional integrity
- Commitment to team leadership
- Effective interpersonal and communication skills Campus Administrator
The campus administrator is the coordinating representative of an extended campus site designated by the college. The specific responsibilities of the campus administrator are determined locally and described in writing in an official job description on file at the college and in the System Office. In all colleges, however, the campus administrator is responsible for the day-to-day operations and management of the designated extended campus site. The campus administrator is a college faculty member or college staff personnel. Working collaboratively with college faculty, staff, and administrators; the campus administrator assists in the planning, development, and implementation of extended campus college programming and activities. The campus administrator is a key individual in the extended campus institutional effectiveness process.
The campus administrator works collaboratively with the college faculty and staff with reporting channels to the president/ceo or his/her designee. The campus administrator is evaluated during the regular college performance review period.
General responsibilities may include:
- To provide leadership at the extended campus consistent with the mission of the college.
- To promote an effective teaching and learning environment.
- To promote a campus environment that fosters student success.
- To promote involvement of full-time faculty in extended campus development, implementation, and effectiveness.
- To be responsible, with faculty, staff, and administrators, for the overall maintenance and enhancement of a quality extended campus.
- To promote compliance with the local college and KCTCS policies and procedures.
- To be responsible, with faculty, staff, and administrators, for academic affairs (e.g., scheduling of classes) and student affairs (e.g., registration) processes.
- To be responsible for the preparation of institutional reports as requested.
- To assume other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the president/ceo and chief academic officer.
- To provide effective communication between the extended campus college community and the main campus college community.
- To promote effective communication between the extended campus faculty and the main campus faculty.
- To be responsible for ensuring that budget requests and expenditures are related to the goals and operational needs of the extended campus.
- Commitment to the mission of the comprehensive community and technical college.
- Record of successful leadership experience.
- Personal and professional integrity.
- Commitment to team leadership.
- Effective interpersonal and communication skills.
- Master’s degree.
- Relevant four (4) year’s work experience.
1.5.7 Search for, Review and Evaluation of Administrative Officers Procedure for Search Committees for Chief Administrative Officers of Educational Units
A search committee charged with making recommendations on the appointment of the chief administrative officer (president/ceo of a college, chief academic officer, chief student services officer, chief business officer, chief community and economic development officer, division head) of an educational unit shall operate under the following minimum guidelines.
- The number and types of members of a search committee shall be established by the
appointing administrative officer after consultation with groups and or individuals
as specified in the procedures.
- A search committee shall have at least one (1) student member.
- A search committee shall, as a minimum, provide the faculty members of the college
with a reasonable opportunity for each of the following:
- To recommend possible candidates for the position;
- To meet with any seriously considered candidate who is interviewed by the committee on campus; and
- To express their opinions to the committee about the candidates whom they have met
(such expressions are to reflect the opinion of concerned individuals and should be
made known to the committee within a relatively short time).
- A search committee is expected to maintain confidentiality with respect to its work
and considerations. The committee also shall honor the request of any person to have
one's candidacy remain confidential except to those involved in the selection process,
until such time the person becomes a seriously considered candidate.
- It is the affirmative action policy of the Kentucky Community and Technical College
System that no candidate for a position shall be accorded preferential treatment or
be discriminated against on the basis of characteristics which are not pertinent to
the performance of the duties of the position.
- It is the role and responsibility of the search committee to make recommendations on candidates with supporting rationale to the administrative officer who appointed the committee. (For presidential appointments, see Section Review of the Chief Administrative Officers of Educational Units
The primary purpose of evaluation of college presidents/ceos, chief academic officers, chief business officers, chief student services officers, chief community and economic development officers, and division heads is to enhance academic administrative leadership and effectiveness. Other purposes of review are to promote a climate of cooperation among faculty and administration and to maximize the effectiveness of the unit's execution of its responsibilities for all areas of scholarship, including, instruction, and public service and in the case of college presidents/ceos, academic, business and community affairs. Annual Reviews of Administrative Officers of Educational Units
At least once every year, each college officer shall have a formal review focusing explicitly on the systematic review and assessment of the college officer’s job performance. This discussion shall include the educational unit head's accomplishments, areas for leadership and administrative improvement, and plans for helping the unit realize its goals. It shall include a discussion based on the unit's annual report on goals and accomplishments of the past year and plans for the next year. Every year, faculty and staff may be given the opportunity to provide written comments on their college officer’s strengths and areas for improvement prior to the performance review interview. The format and invitation for this feedback would come from, and the comments be returned to, the college officer’s administrative supervisor. A written summary of the comments received would be provided to the college officer being reviewed.
The first annual review shall be conducted no later than the end of the first year of a new appointment of the officer of a college. Its major purpose shall be to provide the college leader with constructive feedback on performance to aid in improving the leadership and administration of the college. The performance criteria shall be those delineated below and any implied by the procedures. Additional annual reviews shall be conducted every year, until the year prior to the last year of a term appointment.
Reviews shall be scheduled and conducted by the administrative supervisor of the college leader being reviewed and shall include a summary interview dedicated solely to the review process and its results. Performance Criteria
Major responsibilities of college presidents/ceos, chief academic officers, chief business officers, chief student services officers, chief community and economic development officers, and division heads are stated in Section 1.5.6. Listed below is a further elaboration of the performance expectations and responsibilities of heads of colleges intended to assist them in meeting the expectations of the System in the leadership and administration of the college. The college’s administrative leader:
- Develops and maintains effective academic and administrative leadership for the college
and supports its continual improvement. With due process, replaces leadership in the
college promptly in the event of inadequate performance.
- Leads the development of outcome measures by which the colleges’ progress is evaluated.
- Leads the development and implementation of written procedures for the conduct of
the academic and administrative affairs of the college.
- Implements the operating procedures of the unit in accordance with the KCTCS policies
and procedures, rules of the appropriate academic senate, rules of the college, and
other applicable regulations. Ensures current documentation of the college’s policies
and procedures is on file in the appropriate System office as required by the System
- Provides strong leadership for the college in developing a shared vision and creating,
refining, and implementing the college’s Strategic Plan. This includes, but is not
limited to, periodic review and revision of the college’s goals, objectives, and priorities
as well as assessment of the effectiveness and accountability for resource utilization
in the college.
- Continually evaluates and facilitates, where appropriate, interaction of teaching,
scholarship, and service programs with other colleges, in order to build on the existing
strengths of the System. This includes interaction with programs within the Kentucky
Community and Technical College System.
- Ensures evaluations of all faculty/staff in the college are carried out fairly and
equitably, without explicit or implicit consideration of non-professional or personal
factors in full accordance with published college and System rules, policies and procedures.
- Seeks diligently to obtain resources outside the Kentucky Community and Technical
College System and encourages college faculty and staff to seek resources to aid the
development of college program(s) in accordance with the Strategic Plan.
- Sees that the college’s resource distribution is in full accordance with that implied
by the Strategic Plan.
- Assists faculty in acquiring the resources necessary to maximize their potential and
- Ensures procedures are followed that facilitate the success of the recruitment and
retention of a diverse faculty, staff, and student body, including both women and
- Ensures high quality and diverse candidate pools for all faculty and staff appointments.
- Facilitates active, supportive relationships between newly appointed and experienced
- Ensures the faculty has adequate opportunities to participate in the development of
academic policy, academic programs, and other appropriate activities of the college.
- Solicits and uses advice and counsel from faculty in the accomplishment of her/his
- Operates the programs of the college and allocates its resources through collegial
management procedures which properly respect minority opinions and findings as well
as those of the majority.
- Explicates, both orally and in writing, the responsibilities each faculty/staff member
accepts in becoming a member of the college.
- Articulates those outcomes by which the faculty/staff member's success is measured
and offers advice and guidance to aid all college members in improving their performances.
- Communicates information promptly and effectively to all members of the college who
are affected by the information.
- Encourages college member initiatives and supports college members at all levels of
the Kentucky Community and Technical College System fairly and objectively.
- Supports effective faculty and staff development.
- Establishes effective methods of student recruitment including vigorous efforts to
recruit a diverse pool of students to the college.
- Operates an effective college committee structure and delegates authority to committees
and individuals.
- Maintains a complete and up-to-date personnel file for each member of the college
that contains the items listed in Kentucky Community and Technical College System
procedures; informs the faculty/staff member regularly of the need to update items
in the personnel file (applicable only if file is maintained by administrative head).
- Assures equitable assignments in individual workloads.
- Conducts oral and written annual reviews of progress of non-tenured faculty members
and all staff and biennial reviews of tenured faculty members in accordance with published
college and System rules, policies and procedures.
- Develops and maintains good faculty, staff, and student morale and promotes a collegial
working environment within the unit.
- Represents the unit effectively at appropriate administrative levels of the Kentucky
Community and Technical College System and, as appropriate, to external constituencies.
- Adheres to the highest standards of professional ethics, in particular with respect to student relationships and matters which concern the professional lives of all faculty and staff members.
1.5.8 Ratification of Personnel Actions
Personnel actions reported to the KCTCS Board of Regents for ratification includes:
- Individual Personnel Action
- Administrative appointments
- Retirements o Promotions
- Special leaves with pay longer than 90 days
- Deaths
- Summary Personnel Actions
- Academic appointments
- Administrative appointments
- Reappointments
- Terminal reappointments
- Leaves of absence
- Retirements
- Resignations
- Non-renewal of appointments